Creekosystem Field Study

In May-June 2024, IslandWood, in partnership with Seattle Public Utilities, will be offering a Next Generation Science Standards-aligned field study for Seattle 5th-grade students. The field study is designed to enhance and localize the Amplify Ecosystems Restoration unit taught in Seattle Public Schools.


Students will make focused observations about urban creek ecosystems and conduct investigations to increase their understanding of how people, plants, and animals interact with water in the ecosystem.


They will build an ecosystem web for a creek ecosystem, investigate water quality, soil, plants, and human impact at the creek, and then propose action steps that could improve the health of the creek ecosystem.


This is a 2-part program that includes a 3.5 hour park-based field trip and a virtual or in-class post-lesson; a pre-lesson is available for teachers to deliver as well. The field trip is FREE, and bus reimbursements are available!


The field trip will take place at Meadowbrook Park for schools in North Seattle, and Be’er Sheva Park for schools in South Seattle.