Phenology Friday #6

Phenology Friday #6

While our in-person community programs may currently be closed, we’ve been busy hatching new ideas to explore the world around us together and are excited to announce our new series, Phenology Friday! Each week, one of IslandWood’s educators will be sharing a phenological highlight. Watch the video of their explorations and then share your own observations with us using #PhenologyFriday! Learn more here.


Did you know that, alongside providing bird feeders, it’s important to promote wildlife habitats so that birds can get all the food they need?


In this special Mother’s Day edition of Phenology Friday, join Community Education Coordinator Christina Doherty as she walks through the menagerie of birdhouses she and her family have built in their backyard. Along the way, you’ll learn how long it typically takes eggs to incubate, what birds like to use to line their nests, and how birds get food when they’re busy incubating their nestlings.


We want to hear from you! Have questions about the birds featured in this video? Want to build your own birdhouses? Share with us in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn using the hashtag #PhenologyFriday!

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