Phenology Friday #11

Phenology Friday #11

While our in-person community programs may currently be closed, we’ve been busy hatching new ideas to explore the world around us together and are excited to announce our new series, Phenology Friday! Each week, one of IslandWood’s educators will be sharing a phenological highlight. Watch the video of their explorations and then share your own observations with us using #PhenologyFriday! Learn more here.


From Siberian miner’s lettuce to lemon balm to wood sorrel (or, as Criqui calls it, “sour apple heart plant”), wild edible plants are all around us.


In this week’s Phenology Friday, join Senior Staff Instructor Criqui for guided tour of some of the edible plants you might find this time of year, plus tips and guidelines for your own foraging. (Hint: use guidebooks or other reputable sources to make sure you know what you’re eating!)


We want to hear from you! What seasonal changes have you been noticing in the natural world lately? Share with us in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn using the hashtag #PhenologyFriday!

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