Piloting a Localizing Guide for 4th Grade Energy Conversions Amplify Science Unit

Have your students felt a disconnect between the science units you are teaching and their own experiences?  


Have you wished for ways to make science more meaningful and engaging for your students?  


Would you be interested in a variety of quick tweaks and longer adaptations you can use to make your science classroom more inclusive, community-connected and culturally responsive? 


IslandWood is in our third year of convening a working group of teachers, the developers of Amplify Science, Educational Service Districts, and Seattle Public School’s science department leaders to help students make meaningful and authentic connections between the science they are doing in their classroom and their region, community, and personal funds of knowledge. Last year’s teacher team developed a “Localizing Guide” for the 4th grade Amplify Science Energy Conversions unit, and we would love you to try out and provide feedback on the ideas they came up with.  


Asynchronous pre-work and a 90-minute introductory zoom session will provide you the opportunity to become familiar with the localizing guide and see how neighborhood walks, home interviews, guest speakers, and things as simple as swapping in a local picture can help make the unit more relevant for your students. Follow-up zoom sessions will provide an opportunity to explore additional adaptations, consider local community assets that could support the unit, discuss how things went and share feedback about the guide.  

Registration closed, keep an eye out next year for the final version of this Localizing Guide!


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