Localizing your 4th Grade Amplify Science

Ground Sloth Fossil skeleton and artist rendering) found at SeaTac

Are you teaching 4th Grade Amplify Science?


Have you been wondering how you could make Amplify more relevant, meaningful and culturally responsive for YOUR students?


Are you interested in free STEM and Equity clock hours?


IslandWood is offering a free online course to share a teacher developed and vetted guide to “localizing” the Earth’s Features unit. You can progress through the course asynchronously between January 3rd and May 30th at your own pace. You will earn up to 5 STEM and 2.5 Equity Clock hours if you complete all sections.


IslandWood collaborated with the developers of Amplify Science, Educational Service Districts, teachers, and Seattle Public School’s science department to create unit-specific “localizing guides” that help students make meaningful and authentic connections between the science they are doing in their classroom and their region, community, and personal funds of knowledge.


The course provides an opportunity to unpack the Earth’s Features unit storyline and explore the opportunities in the guide.  You will learn how local phenomena like the “Seattle Sloth” and “Suciasaurus Rex” can make the learnings about the unit’s fictional fossil meaningful in understanding the actual geological history of our region. You will be provided with a variety of specific adaptations you can use in your classroom and the opportunity to identify and leverage assets from YOUR community and region.