Impact in Action Awards

About the Award

IslandWood’s mission is to provide exceptional learning experiences that inspire environmental and community stewardship. With our new Impact in Action Award, we seek to recognize students and educators who’ve been inspired by their experience with IslandWood programs, and as a result took action to steward their environment and/or communities.

  • We’ll celebrate one student and one educator with the Impact in Action Award in May 2025!
  • Do you know a student or educator who sounds like a great fit for the award? Are you that student or teacher? Teachers, school staff, students, community partners, parents, and caregivers are all welcome to nominate candidates and students and educators are welcome to apply on behalf of themselves! Read more about applying or nominating someone below.

Application Requirements for Students

Below are the requirements for applying or nominating a student for the award.

  • You/the nominee has participated in an IslandWood program at any point since our founding.
  • You/the nominee has been inspired by their participation in an IslandWood program and as a result, taken some action that demonstrated care for the planet and your/their community.
  • Please know we’re interested in a range of impact demonstrated by applicants and that we expect it to be age-appropriate. The impact of a 5th grader may be different than the impact of an adult!
  • We may want to share your story via a video at our annual fundraising event, Dinner in the Woods, on May 3, 2025. You/the nominee would need to be available one day/afternoon during Feb – early April for filming.
Urban Programs Lead Educator KayLani Siplin leads students during a Community Waters Field Study.

Application Requirements for Educators

Below are the requirements for applying or nominating an educator for the award.

  • You/the nominee has participated in an IslandWood educator program at any point since our founding.
  • You/the nominee has been inspired by their participation in an IslandWood educator program and as a result, utilized nature-based learning to increase student’s connection to the natural world.
  • We may want to share your story via a video at our annual fundraising event, Dinner in the Woods, on May 3, 2025. You/the nominee would need to be available one day/afternoon during Feb – early April for filming.


  • Please apply/nominate by Jan 20, 2025.
  • Winners will be notified by Feb 4, 2025.
  • Winners will be announced publicly at our annual fundraising event, Dinner in the Woods, on May 3, 2025.
  • Award finalists & honorable mentions will be shared on our website and social media in late May, 2025.

What will winners receive?

Impact in Action award winners – one student and one educator – will receive the following:

  • 2 tickets for Dinner in the Woods on May 3, 2025. While we’d love to have you at the event, it’s not necessary that you attend if you’d rather not.
  • Recognition on IslandWood’s website, social media channels, emails, and at Dinner in the Woods.
  • $1,000 award
  • If we tell your story through a video, of course we’ll share the video file with you!

Apply or Nominate

Apply on behalf of yourself or nominate someone today!

  • Please fill out this form so we can gather some basic information about you/the nominee and the IslandWood program you/they participated in.
  • At the end of the form, there is a spot where you can tell us about your/the nominee’s IslandWood experience and what you/the nominee did as a result. If you’d rather upload a Word or pdf document, you can do so here. Make sure to include your name/the nominee’s name in the document so we know which application it goes with. Please remember that you still need to fill out all the other information in the form!
  • If writing isn’t your thing, you can also upload a video here to tell us about your IslandWood experience and what you/the nominee did as a result. Please name the file with your name or the nominee’s name so we know which application it goes with. Please remember that you still need to fill out all the other information in the form!
  • Content from your application or video may be shared on our website, social media, emails, and IslandWood events. We’re excited to share all the great things students and educators are doing!

Thank you!

Thanks so much for your interest in the award! We are constantly inspired by what students and educators have done after their IslandWood experiences. We can’t wait to hear your story!

Questions & Contact

If you have any questions, we’re here to help. Please email [email protected].

Students at IslandWood an Environmental Science Nonprofit