Kicking Off with Connection: IslandWood Grads Build a Community

Kicking Off with Connection: IslandWood Grads Build a Community

IslandWood grads aren’t just about learning practicumthey’re also all about building a strong community! The class of 2025 dove right in, starting last week by figuring out what it means to be part of a team and establishing group norms for the year ahead. 


What’s a community anyway? We all know it when we feel it, but putting it into words? That’s a bit trickier. These grads tackled definitions of the word head-on. They talked about their hopes and dreams for the group, but also those little worries that can creep in. It’s all part of being real and creating a space where everyone feels safe to be themselves. 


Then came the fun part – a hands-on activity (literally!). Each person traced their hand and filled it with what they bring to the table – their unique skills, talents, and perspectives. These hands weren’t just floating around though. They formed a circle, and inside that circle went all the good stuff they want their group to have – think trust, respect, and friendship.  On the outside of the circle went the things they don’t want. 


Why all this hand-tracing? This activity, a version of a community agreement, creates a visual reminder of the group’s promises to each other, and more than that, it’s a living document. It’s intended to evolve and grow right along with the group. As the year goes on and needs shift, the grads can revisit their agreements, making sure everyone feels heard and supported. 


By starting the year with clear communication and shared expectations, the grads are setting the stage for an amazing year of learning, growth, and connection. 


IslandWood frequently uses community agreements in our work with graduate students, and younger students alike. Read more about them, and how you can use them in your work, here 


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