Let’s head down to beautiful Mac’s Pond on our campus to explore the biodiversity of a freshwater pond ecosystem. With our nets in hand, we’ll dip into the still waters to identify, classify, and marvel at the teeming nursery of macroinvertebrates and other species hiding down in the deep. There be dragons in those calm waters – Odonata larvae that is, and you will be amazed at their adaptations!
How does a freshwater ecosystem change in this spring season as we head towards the hot summer months ahead? As ecologists, what are our ‘look fors’ in this unique habitat, to ensure it’s health and vitality for all of the species that depend upon it? Come with your questions and curiosity, and you’ll leave with bigger questions. That’s how we ‘level up’ as naturalists.
- This class is rain or shine, so please dress in layers and always bring a rain layer, gloves and hat at this time of year.
- Due to the content and pace of this program, we are listing this as an adults only class. We look forward to building community with all of you in this class. We will offer a family-friendly and kids program like this in the future too, so no worries!
- Please remember our campus policy is ‘no dogs unless they are a service animal.’
- We always cap off our hikes with a sweet treat of our homemade cookies too!
Your instructor for this session will be IslandWood staff naturalist, Christina Conklin. Christina is a Master Birder (Seattle Audubon, 2011), WDFW Wetland Monitor (2014), Certified Beach Naturalist (2014), and Certified Interpretive Guide (National Association of Interpretation (2015), and has been joyfully teaching environmental education for over 20 years.