“A great introduction to what the NGSS mean & look like in actual practice, taught in a very active, interesting way that feels attainable.”
– Elizabeth Smith-Gordon, Bryn Mawr Elementary
Learn how starting from student’s own experiences and centering the student’s community can increase engagement and make the science more meaningful. Venture outside the walls of the classroom to find local environmental phenomena that can anchor your classroom science unit. Explore with us the big picture of “three dimensional” science learning and then use the Science and Engineering Practices to build an understanding of an example schoolyard phenomenon. You’ll leave this workshop with ideas and examples you can use in your science curriculum.
Important Notes:
- We suggest taking this workshop before the other ones in the series.
- This workshop is intended for teachers and informal educators who teach science to 2nd through 8th grade students. Other teachers are welcome to join but may find the examples provided less relevant to their classrooms.
- Consider bringing your grade level team so you can collaborate with them during the workshop.
- This workshop includes a $210 stipend for public school teachers who complete related surveys. The stipend will be mailed (with other stipends and workshop fee refunds) at the end of the school year.
- 6 STEM clock hours are available pending approval from the Puget Sound ESD. Clock hours will need to be claimed and paid for on the ESD website after the workshop is complete.
This is an IslandWood Program funded by OSPI through its ClimeTime Grant.