Toadstools, puffballs, chicken of the woods, witches’ butter, stinkhorns, turkey-tail, earthstar, shaggy manes…fungi have such fabulous common names!
Fungi growing on a tree on IslandWood’s Bainbridge Island campus.
Join us for a wild mushroom identification walk and see what’s growing in IslandWood’s forest on Bainbridge Island! Come hike our trails with IslandWood naturalists as your guides. You’ll learn where to look for different species and gain identification tricks of the trade from seasoned foragers. You’ll also have the chance to check out a specimen table at the Friendship Circle, and warm up around the campfire with cider and cookies!
This hike is designed with our adult explorers in mind, so we ask that only adults and children over 13 sign up. Hikes are offered at 9 am and 12 pm. Please choose just one particular day and hike time so we may reach as many community members as possible at this time of limited capacity.
We love dogs, but we ask that you not bring your dog to this event, unless they are a service animal.
Interested in joining us for the Mushroom Mania online lecture too? Register here.
Health & Safety
To ensure the health and safety of our guests and staff, we will be limiting the number of guests on campus for this event. We ask that all guests wear masks, practice social distancing, and complete a health attestation form upon arrival.
We work to ensure that all reasonable accommodations are in place so that everyone can fully participate and learn during their time on our campus. All indoor spaces and many of our outdoor spaces and field structures were built and are continually maintained to meet ADA code, adhering to WAC 51-50. Learn more about the physical accessibility of our campus here.
Special thanks to the Fletcher Bay Foundation for helping make this event possible!