Day 39 – Race & Equity

Day 39 – Race & Equity

Now and always, it is critical to have deep conversations with the people in our lives about the impact of racism, inequity, and injustice on ourselves, our communities, and our planet. And, as The Conscious Kid recently put it, “it’s never too early to talk about race” with children.


Children’s books can be an incredibly useful in sparking these crucial conversations, encouraging thoughtful questions, and inspiring action. Here are just a few that we recommend and use:


  • A IS FOR ACTIVIST – written and illustrated by Innocento Nagara


  •  A SWEET SMELL OF ROSES – written by Angela Johnson and illustrated by Eric Velazquez


  •  THE YOUNGEST MARCHER – written by Cynthia Levinson and illustrated by Vanessa Brantley-Newton


  •  WANGARI’S TREES OF PEACE – written and illustrated by Jeanette Winter


  •  VOICE OF FREEDOM: FANNIE LOU HAMER – written by Carole Boston Weatherford and illustrated by Ekua Holmes


  •  A PLACE WHERE SUNFLOWERS GROW – written by Amy Lee-Tai and illustrated by Felicia Hoshino
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